Portfolios become outdated with time. The neighborhoods and the markets change, or the units that were state-of-art when acquired may now be obsolete, miss-positioned, or simply need a retrofit.
A real estate portfolio, after successive acquisitions, sales and rentals, may also change its profile, losing adherence to the needs of the investors. Its profile of revenue, volatility and administrative complexity may require adjustments to adapt to the investors’ change in management structure, or life stage, for example.
Wise Capital manages real estate portfolios to families and institutional investors, which may start with a straight analysis to suggest some actions and go all the way to the execution of selected moves. Examples of these actions are the repositioning through sales and acquisitions of properties, a retrofit of depreciated assets, the establishment of a more favorable ownership structure, etc.
Our methodology supports what to do, when, and the most appropriate path, using the techniques described in “how we create value” of market knowledge/ modeling and assets administration, and the access to opportunities leveraged in our agents and brokers’ network. Through these actions, it is relatively common to obtain gains ranging from 20% to 100% of the intrinsic value as well as to the income generation of the portfolio.