For us, green building has the practical meaning of high performance. It is the group of practices that seeks to maximize the efficiency of every aspect of the project and construction, including the efficient use of energy and of the building resources and also creating a work environment that provides more productivity for occupants. These practices have as main objective the maximization of the building lease value. |
With the reduction of the condominium cost, the total cost of occupancy (rental + tax + condominium share) is reduced openning space for rental increases. The average cost increase to construct a sustainable building compared to conventional one is about 5% and it produces a 30% reduction in the direct operating costs in the same comparison. This internal rate of return on investment in a 5-year period is 35% per year.
Additionally, there are further benefits such as:
- the increase in the productivity of work in sustainable environments built with high technological content;
- the gains in the corporate image of the companies that occupy spaces with such characteristics;
- the increased property value as efficient technologies result in longer depreciation period and less risk. The lower risk is mainly attributed to the higher historical occupancy levels found in these developments, as well as to the higher levels of liquidity on sale and leasing.
What many people forget is that all the technology necessary to generate this higher performance in energy is not only related to the research of advanced automation systems and high technology equipment to attend the levels of efficiency demanded. It is related to the concept of project integration, which involves not only the building automation systems but their synergy with the architectural projects. The architectural project is responsible for the share of almost 25% of the global energy consumption.
The intelligence that Wise Capital treats this part of the development phase provides that the automation systems can be projected with the adequate technology and cost for the financial and operational efficiency of each building.